Microlon makes a difference.
So much crud on the net it’s hard to know these days. What I can say is my motors run quieter making it possible to hear things in the transmissions and valve train you couldn’t decipher previous to use. Though it has made a difference (improvement) in every engine I’ve used it on or seen it use on, I tend to notice bigger improvements in higher performance vehicles.
It’s certified by the FAA for aircraft engines… Speaks for itself.
Check out their GunJuice reviews on the net. …Probably the only unbiased reviews out there besides the FAA’s approval.
After reading a number of target and bench rest shooters reviews, I tried it on new “test” barrels. They started shooting faster and straighter with MUCH less wear than had previously been experienced. A couple years into those tests…I’m sold.
You won’t find better folks to deal with.